Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 2014: Packing and preparing

Well here I am, ready to hop on the plane, and I have so much to tell you! In lieu of the traditional packing post, I just want to describe my journey since July, and wait til the end to actually evaluate what I needed and used in Europe.

So, a lot of my summer has been spent thinking about study abroad. And since the middle of July, I've actually been slowly pulling everything together, which is pretty amazing for me, since I am usually a notorious procrastinator. When I started packing, I didn't think it would be a big deal; I had read all the posts (like this one and this one) and I thought I would know exactly what to do. So to my surprise, it took a lot more effort and thought and planning than I had imagined - which, you know, you think you could speculate how much effort and packing would go into it just by contemplating it, but you really can't. Or at least I couldn't. Anyways...

So then after many late nights, a lot of shopping, and an unbelievable amount of stress (combined with only a pinch of time!), I had my bags mostly packed. They were 35 lbs in each of my bags, I only had a relatively small amount of items left on my shopping list, and I thought I had it all together. Not until the few days leading up to today did I actually realize how much stuff I wanted/needed and how much of a hassle it would be to get it all in two big suitcases, a carry-on suitcase, and a backpack. Holy cow! Only three days ago, I wasn't quite ready to leave, especially packing-wise; now, I'm obviously ready in that department, but maybe still not so much in the getting excited department.

This trip has always been something I've told people about and they have been so impressed. My family and friends have wished me well numerous times, and I have even tried to imagine the experience in all actuality more than a few times. It's been this idea, a conceptual plan, but never a reality - not until now. I think the first time it actually really, truly, deeply sank in was just now when I was walking to the gate. I realized that I had been through security, said my goodbyes, and made it this far, all on my own. The biggest smile grew on my face, just from finally understanding, at least a little, that this is actually happening - I'm actually traveling to Europe all on my own! That was the first time I was profoundly ecstatic about the whole experience, and the first time I felt authentically excited about this adventure to come. What a rush!

So now, sitting at the gate waiting for the personnel to call zone 3 for boarding, I can say honestly that I am ready to start this adventure, which will likely be one of the biggest of my life. I've been waiting at least since middle school to get an opportunity to actually visit France, and what an opportunity this is. I am ready to get on the plane, ready for takeoff, ready to take on the world - or at least study abroad. Bon voyage, and I'll see you in France!

P.S. This post has been published after the fact - in fact, I'm in my dorm room in France! (I will be posting another update shortly.) I did write it just before boarding the plane, but haven't had much time since when I've been able to connect to the internet and post. Enjoy! :)

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